Assist-A-Family Skokie 2017

To donate, please click here.

Those most in need in our community – some who could be your neighbors struggling with unemployment, a medical crisis or other difficult life circumstances – need help to be able to celebrate the holidays and, often, to have basic household necessities for their families. Gift cards are provided for food, household items and gifts. Often, parents use these gift cards to purchase boots, warm coats, hats and mittens, items for their children that they struggle to afford. The need is great.

  • 62% of Skokie families who will receive holiday assistance this year are headed by a single parent or grandparent.
  • 30% of these hard-working families are headed by individuals who work full time, and some work multiple jobs.
  • 10% of the families include a disabled adult or child, or a senior citizen.

Thank you to all who have already supported the program. The Village’s Human Services Division will continue to lend support to Skokie residents in need throughout the coming year.