Chicago Yachad's Evening with the Stars: June 16, 2016!

Chicago Yachad’s Evening with the Stars: June 16, 2016!

Exciting News!

We are thrilled to inform you that Chicago Yachad will be recognizing the contributions of three distinct groups of people – the “stars” of Yachad – who have dedicated themselves to our mission of bringing Inclusion to the greater Chicagoland Jewish community. Congratulations to our graduating high school senior board members – Matan Cutler, Eitan Drapkin, Efrat Horowitz, Zev Lafer, Shiraz Otani, Yerucham Rosenberg, Annie Silverstein and Tzippy Suss; Jack Bartky – Yachad member extraordinaire; Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo and Tami Drapkin – Parents of the Year. Our event will be at the beautiful Kehilat Chovevei Tzion in Skokie. Stay tuned for more information.