Help Strengthen our Voice and our Impact – Shabbat Message from JCCWRP President, Howard M. Rieger

Over the past three years, Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park has demonstrated that positive change can happen when people work constructively together to achieve common goals.


The lead story in this week’s  News Star publication reinforces the importance of advocacy — and confirms that our advocacy works.


The article reports on recent progress of the community-wide effort to secure a new Northtown Branch Library for West Rogers Park.  The petition drive sponsored by the LEARN coalition, of which JCCWRP is a founding member, has garnered more than 2,000 signatures urging the city to set the gears in motion.


Ald. Debra Silverstein and her husband Sen. Ira Silverstein are the petition’s top two signers.


“I believe community activism is a powerful tool,” Ald. Silverstein states in the article.  “I strongly encourage everyone to keep advocating for our neighborhood and our library.”


The lifeblood of JCCWRP is the volunteers who, along with JUF/Federation, support our work financially and programmatically, serve on our board and committees, give us direction, and  augment our voice to our elected and appointed officials.


We have exciting new initiatives to benefit the community.  To fulfill our potential, we need to bring new people into our organization who are committed to our mission.


JCCWRP is an organization of neighborhood residents and Jewish community leaders who care deeply about the past, the present, and the future of West Rogers Park. We aim to promote and encourage commercial, cultural and residential development designed to sustain a thriving community here in West Rogers Park for generations to come.


Who do you know who should be part of our efforts?   Please share your thoughts with us!


Thanks for your ongoing encouragement.

