I need your help in my role as Chairman of Skokie's Economic Development Commission! What do you think of the Skokie Swift area plan?

Skokie Swift Area PlanThe Village of Skokie has partnered with the Regional Transportation Authority and a team led by OKW Architects to prepare a Dempster Station Area Plan to create a circulation, land use, parking and development vision for the area’s future. The plan is the culmination of over a year of work to provide reality-based planning and development concepts and implementation strategies that encourage both public and private investment in the study area.

As many of you know, I serve as Chairman of Skokie’s Economic Development Commission. We recently took on the responsibility of reviewing the plan and providing input that will be will be used to prioritize what issues are most important for the Village to address in the near term and in the future.

Together with Vice Chairman, Howard Meyer, I will be drafting a memo to the Village Board of Trustees with the comments from our commission on this plan. Can you take a moment to review the plan and email me your feedback at shalom@mkabusiness.com?

Please click here to view the Draft Skokie-Dempster Station Area Plan.