Jewish B2B Networking / Small Business Advocacy Council – Washington DC Delegation

SBAC and Jewish B2B Third Annual Business Leaders Delegation Trip to Washington, D.C.  

 Jewish B2B Networking / Small Business Advocacy Council - Washington DC Delegation

Join us for our Third Annual Business Leaders Delegation trip to Washington, D. C. from May 7th- 8th. As small and mid-size business owners who create over half of the jobs in this country, it is important to have our voices, thoughts, and ideas heard by the decision makers in Washington, D.C. Our two-day agenda will include meetings with the White House, SBA, Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Commerce and Congressional leaders.   We will be providing help with travel arrangements.


If you are interested in joining us in Washington or have any questions about the trip, please contact Blanca at or Scott "Shalom" atScott "Shalom"