Listen to my tips on recruiting and retention!


According to the professionals at Tandem HR, days of easy pickings from a large, recession-filled pool of unemployed and willing-to-work-cheap talent are behind us. The number of new hires has almost reached pre-recession levels, and the unemployment rate, as most recently reported by the labor department, has fallen to the lowest level since July 2008. Statistics provided by Tandem HR predicts that in 2015 companies will double-down on retention and recruiting efforts. HR will shift from reacting to hiring demands to proactively planning workforce needs. For more hiring advice consult TandemHR.Com

For more tips, advice and stories of entrepreneurial successes listen to Get Down To Business with me, Scott "Shalom" Klein heard Sunday afternoons at 6! Your business minute of the day is brought to you by Everett Wealth Solutions.