Looking to promote your business? Take advantage of the JCCWRP Facebook Page!

The Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park’s Facebook page is dedicated to promoting economic development in the entire community.  Local businesses are encouraged to post information on the Facebook page including events, specials and promotions.  At press time, our Facebook page had 260 fans and growing.

As most business owners already know, Facebook is a great way to bring in leads and increase sales.  Facebook can be especially beneficial to small business owners as it gives them the potential to reach a significant audience with little cost and effort.  By utilizing the JCCWRP Facebook page, local businesses can expand their reach to an engaged audience that has demonstrated its support for spending locally.  We frequently post community news, promote West Rogers Park businesses and provide fans with information on the benefits of shopping locally.  Please consider submitting a brief text with an image/photo to jccwrp@gowrp.org to promote your business on our Facebook page.

Remember to “like” the JCCWRP Facebook page at www.facebook.com/GOWRP to post business information/special offers and to enhance your business’s reach!  Be sure to also recommend the page to all of your fans and friends.

This free promotional opportunity is available to local businesses which JCCWRP judges to be consistent with its organizational mission.