Shana Tova – Reflection on the past and optimism for the future

Friends and Neighbors:

As we head toward Rosh Hashanah, this is a focused time for introspection, personally, organizationally and communally. For JCCWRP this has been a very positive year of growth.  We have seen success in our advocacy efforts for businesses, synagogues, organizations and residents in West Rogers Park and have engaged so many new stakeholders that benefit from our efforts.

Last week I attended the annual meeting of the Jewish Federation / Jewish United Fund and thanked Dr. Steven Nasatir for the JF’s support of our work. The meeting was also a fantastic opportunity to thank the lay leaders and professionals of many agencies, including JCC Chicago, JCFS, CJE Senior Life, Sinai Health System and The ARK, for their ongoing involvement and commitment to JCCWRP.

We owe a special debt of gratitude to each of you for the hard work and commitment that you have shown. Together we are making our neighborhood a better place in which to live, work and play.  May 5767 be a year of success for our community and work in West Rogers Park!

Thank you for all that you do.  Shabbat Scott "Shalom" and Shanah Tova!

Scott "Shalom" Klein
on behalf of the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park