Support for Jennifer Gong Gershowitz

Friends and Neighbors,

Here in our community, we look for leaders and elected officials who will serve us with honesty and integrity by putting the needs of our neighbors first. In the race for State Representative, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz is that leader we need.


Jennifer is a human rights attorney and a lifelong social justice advocate who has spent her career fighting for fairness and equality. She’s represented victims who have not had their voices heard and she built the immigration practice at a local legal aid clinic to make sure our justice system works for all people.


As a member of Temple Jeremiah’s Social Justice Committee, Jennifer will work with Jewish leaders in our community and across the Midwest to ensure that Illinois is safe and welcoming to all.


She’ll help send the message that extremists views should never dictate policies on Israel and that Illinois must continue to oppose the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment movement against Israel. She will join us in the fight against anti-Semitic threats and work to provide safety protections for our local schools, synagogues and institution.


As a mother of three and a long-time volunteer in her children’s schools, Jennifer knows that schools are a community’s best asset. She’ll fight to ensure that every child in our community has access to a world-class education and the resources they need to succeed.


I hope you will join me in supporting Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz for State Representative in the March 20th Democratic Primary Election. Jennifer has dedicated her life in service to others and commitment to community. Her passion to fight for our core values is unmatched and we trust that she will put people ahead of politics.


Scott "Shalom" Klein