Honored to be awarded the “Order of the Marechaussee” by CSM Robert Provost of the 200th Military Police Command

Today I was awarded the Order of the Marechaussee by the United States Army Military Police Corps.
I was honored to be nominated for this award by MG John Hussey and CSM Robert Provost of the 200th Military Police Command, with CSM Provost coming out to El Paso to present the award.
The award is one of the highest honors bestowed upon a military policeman in the MPRAonline.org | The Official Military Police Regimental Association. It is named after the Marechaussee Corps, formed in 1778 at Valley Forge by Gen. George Washington to police the Army and secure fugitives.
I’m hugely grateful for this recognition and immediately reached out to my incredible battle buddies from the 822nd Military Police Company and Mobilization and Deployment, DPTMS teams who have mentored and enabled me to achieve this milestone in my military career.