A New Book by Scott "Shalom" Klein – Order Now

Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues:

I am thrilled to announce that my book, Get Down To Business, is now available for ordering on Amazon.com before its December 1st full launch. You can order the book at Amazon.com.

I was given a gift—the gift of being exposed to first-hand experiences and people that most will never see or know. I’m not better nor different; I was just given a unique perch, platform, perspective and point of view. It was important to me that I share my experiences and inspiration.
In Get Down To Business, I share my story so that a few more people will get a more personal look at my role models in Chicago’s business community, faith, and my involvement in many local not-for-profits and businesses.

I invite you to order the book, and I hope it brings you the same inspiration with which I wrote it.

Get Down To Business

Warmest regards,