Thanks to our JCCWRP summer intern, Chani Morgenstern

Friends and Neighbors,

Every year, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago runs a summer internship program for local students who are captivated by Jewish community building and are interested in developing their own professional portfolio. The students who are selected to participate after a highly competitive application process are assigned to work with agencies and organizations affiliated with JUF. For the first time, the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park was partnered with a Lewis summer intern, Chani Morgenstern.

Chani has spend 11 weeks working with me on a number of priorities that will benefit our work in West Rogers Park. Aside for participating in meetings of our board of directors and several committees, Chani has improved our social media accounts, worked with local organizations on developing a community calendar, developed listings of new businesses and contacted them to promote their sales via the JCCWRP website and Facebook.
Over the next few weeks, you will also start seeing announcements regarding an upcoming Sukkot Fest and resource fair in partnership with the Bernard Horwich JCC. This program is the brainchild of JCCWRP board member Barbara Singal and Chani has been working with her on many logistics and planning discussions.
We are very appreciative of all of Chani Morgenstern’s contributions to the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park and the neighborhood as a whole. I know I speak for a grateful community as we wish her well as she continues on in her law school studies over the coming years!
Shabbat Scott "Shalom",
Scott "Shalom" Klein
Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park