In Response To Current Threats and Attacks, Register To Do Good!

Open the news, and one can see many stories about anti-semitic incidents around the country, including desecration of cemeteries, threats and attacks against Jewish centers. There have been so many statements of support from our neighbors and friends, but statements are one thing and action is another.  I’d like to suggest how we can combat the stories of negativity with positive acts.

As we have mentioned, we are proudly partnering with JUF TOV on Good Deeds Day on April 2, 2017. Good Deeds Day is an annual celebration of doing good—where all around the world hundreds of thousands of volunteers help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and change the world.

Our local volunteer project, that JCCWRP is partnering on with JCC Chicago and CJE Senior Life will take place at the Bernard Horwich JCC on Touhy to make cards, tissue paper flowers, and decorative vases that will go to residents at CJE.

Date: Sunday, April 2, 2017
Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Location: 3003 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago – parking available

As a reminder, you must register in advance at Please share the attached flyer in your local coffee shop, store or organization. Lets join together to do good!


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