The Basics of Networking

Networking is not Selling. JBN is a dynamic social network for Jewish professionals to connect online and in person, but we are not here to sell each other. Yes, we will make sales to one another as a by-product of networking, but our purpose is to build relationships through networking that lead to new business. According to Webster’s dictionary, networking is: the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.

JBN will offer great content to help you sell, but our purpose is to be a place to develop relationships who will introduce you to potential clients and decision makers.

Giver’s Gain. This motto is well known to people who are successful networkers. Networking is about giving, not taking. If you go to meetings or contact people online looking to get something from them, it won’t work. People will want to do business with you because they are attracted to you. How does this happen? By being a giver. The person who is known to be a giver becomes a star. And it’s the right thing to do. How can you start to become known as a giver? Go to your next networking meeting with the primary objective of finding a way to help someone that you meet, rather than how to get something. You’ll be amazed at the results.