Expanding Our Reach at JCCWRP

We have been working hard at expanding the reach of JCCWRP.

In the last month I have met with over a dozen lay leaders involved in the various organizations that call West Rogers Park home and who believe in the power of joint action. I would encourage you to look at the attached snapshot of the massive investment that our Jewish community, thanks to support from the Jewish Federation, has made in our neighborhood. 

The volunteer board members and professionals in these organizations all have a specific agenda relating to their respective missions, facilities and challenges, but a major common denominator for all of them is that JCCWRP in many instances has been a key partner in helping them with advocacy, relationship building and strategic outreach to relevant government agencies. They recognize the power of partnering with us and the strength in numbers represented by the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park.

I have also been meeting with potential developers interested in both residential and commercial revitalization in the Devon and Touhy corridors. Stay tuned for what could be an exciting development in that regard.

We have continued to focus on fundraising and new connections to enable us to continue to advance our important work on behalf of the community. Howard Rieger is helping to bring us the focus that is needed for us to be successful.  I join with him in thanking you for your involvement.  Together we are making a difference.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and Shabbat Scott "Shalom".



Scott "Shalom" Klein
Executive Director, JCCWRPJCCWRP (1)