Had a fantastic time at the Greater Chicago Jewish Festival in Morton Grove

Had fun visiting the @am560theanswer booth at the @ChiJFest. Don't forget to tune into my radio show at 6pm!
Had fun visiting the @am560theanswer booth at the @ChiJFest. Don’t forget to tune into my radio show at 6pm!
Being interviewed on the NTNM tv show regarding my work in @gowrp #WestRogersPark
Being interviewed on the NTNM tv show regarding my work in @gowrp #WestRogersPark
Hanging out w/ @StateRepLouLang, @RepLauraFine and Commissioner Larry Suffredin at the @ChiJFest
Hanging out w/ @StateRepLouLang, @RepLauraFine and Commissioner Larry Suffredin at the @ChiJFest
Great seeing Congressman @RobertDold at the @ChiJFest today
Great seeing Congressman @RobertDold at the @ChiJFest today