Did You Know About West Rogers Park?

Friends and Neighbors,

We have shared in the past some details about our collaboration with other neighborhood partners. The regular meetings we participate in (see the attached photo from this past Sunday) have led to major progress for West Rogers Park – including our library, parks, safety, economic development, etc. Our community is fascinating to so many people we meet with outside Chicago too, as they recognize the amazing nature of its diversity.

But… do you know just how diverse West Rogers Park is? Our general population is about 72,000, of which 37% are foreign born. The Jewish population is 24,000 which makes up a large number of the City of Chicago’s total number of 89,000.

In recent years, there has been new investment of tens of millions of dollars into the Jewish day-schools, education centers, synagogues, Jewish Federation agencies and other organizations. We are committed to working with these institutions to be a part of our coalition building to maximize outcomes in working with our neighbors. TOGETHER we can continue to ensure a strong West Rogers Park for decades to come.

Shabbat Scott "Shalom".

Scott "Shalom" Klein

on behalf of the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park