Hour of Power Networkers is looking for a lawyer and IT professional to join its monthly meetings

Hour of Power - Jewish B2B Networking


Jewish B2B Networking  has been organizing a smaller, inclusive networking group for the past year to assist and encourage businesses to support, share ideas and grow together. The JB2B Hour of Power Networkers meets on a monthly basis at a private office in Skokie, IL.
We are looking for a lawyer and IT professional to join our monthly meetings.
Our networking group is designed for the business professional catering to the Business to Business outreach as opposed to a business to consumer market. Please note that our networking group is designed by invitation only and as we start the group, we are limiting participation to one participant each of their respected field. The mission of The JB2B Hour of Power Networkers is to assist each other in the  promotion of our businesses throughout our individual networks, to share ideas strengthening our services and products and to support one another as we continue to grow and prosper. As with any relationship, we meet, learn and feel confident in recommending others products & services. As is Aesop’s fable of  The Tortoise and the Hareour goal is to build long term relationships over time with trust, commitment and integrity. We all strive for business today and sales tomorrow, but the foundations of friendship are built on the layers of time.
If you are interested in learning more about the Hour of Power Networkers – please contact Steven Schwartz at SMSchwartz@aaachicago.com

JB2B HOP 2 Networkers

Hour of PowerAs there have been numerous requests, Jewish B2B is organizing a smaller, inclusive networking group to assist and encourage businesses to support, share ideas and grow together as they search for and market directly to consumers. The JB2B HOP 2 Networkers will be meeting on a monthly basis. Our networking group is designed for the business professional catering to the consumer market. Please note that our networking group is designed by invitation only and as we start the group, we are limiting participation to one participant each of their respected field only.

The mission of The JB2B HOP 2 Networkers is to help promote our businesses throughout our individual networks. As with any relationship, we meet, get to know each other and feel confident in recommending each other’s products & services. As is Aesop’s fable of The Tortoise and the Hare, our goal is to build long term relationships over time with trust, commitment and integrity. We all strive for business today and sales tomorrow, but the foundation of friendship is built on the layers of time.

The inaugural meeting will be Thursday August 1, 2013 from 7:30 – 9:00am. The meeting will be held is Skokie.

Please email/ RSVP your request to join to by Friday July 26, 2013:

Steven Schwartz – SMSchwartz@AAAChicago.com

You will receive a return email with greater details.