Chicago Tribune Editorial: Plan of Chicago: Sister Neighborhoods and Sister Strong

City Treasurer Kurt Summers has launched a “think tank” of leaders from all of the city’s 77 community areas. “We’re building bridges between neighborhoods,” he says. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune)
City Treasurer Kurt Summers has launched a “think tank” of leaders from all of the city’s 77 community areas. “We’re building bridges between neighborhoods,” he says. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune)


icago is a city of diverse neighborhoods, many of them struggling with joblessness, crime and deflated dreams. But they all share an asset: Each one brims with doers — innovators who have ambitious ideas to improve this city one block at a time.

Our Plan of Chicago project, now in its third year, promotes powerful homegrown ideas to boost education, create jobs and improve safety. These ideas come from business leaders and corner grocers, foundation panjandrums and the guy who lives in a bungalow down the street. Our current theme reflects our firm belief: Chicago Can Do This.

One idea quickly percolated to the top of our list: Create a Sister Neighborhoods program so thriving communities can help those that struggle. Among our inspirations was an Archdiocese of Chicago program in which parishes are linked together and assist one another.

Many Chicagoans eagerly step forward to help fellow residents in violence-wracked or job-starved areas. Similarly, every neighborhood has expertise and resources that could help another neighborhood. Yes, we know that neighborhoods vie for scarce resources from City Hall. But we also know that whenever a neighborhood thrives, so does Chicago.

Can neighborhoods of different needs and means help one another conquer their challenges? Can they align in partnerships that grow over time?

Think of these pairings as blind dates in which neighborhood leaders can discover shared goals and explore the ways to help each other.

Several such fix-ups are in the works, thanks to Chicago Treasurer/Sister Neighborhoods Matchmaker Kurt Summers. Summers tells us the Tribune’s Plan of Chicago series inspired him to launch a “think tank” of leaders from all of the city’s 77 community areas. “We’re building bridges between neighborhoods,” he says. “We know there are opportunities day in and day out. So let’s start building the muscle of communities working together.” Bravo, Mr. Treasurer.

In July, Summers gathered those “thought leaders” at the Chicago City Council chambers to kick-start his Sister Neighborhoods program. He wanted grass-roots energy and independent action, not government planning and stultifying bureaucracy.

Result: We’re happy to report that Chicago Can Do — And Is Doing — This.

Two of Summers’ matches already have bloomed:

When Avondale met Englewood

When Glen Fulton, of Englewood on the South Side, met Margaret Ptaszynska, of Avondale on the Northwest Side, the attraction was mutual. Fulton is executive director of the Greater Englewood Community Development Corp., which last spring launched a new small business accelerator, a place that helps more than 50 entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

Ptaszynska, who leads the Greater Avondale Chamber of Commerce, strives to help companies in her neighborhood, known for its large Polish community and a growing Hispanic population, plant their flags in new places.

Their first order of business: Fulton led a tour of Englewood to show Ptaszynska potential opportunities. “One of the things that Margaret and I are talking about is creating incentives for businesses that want to come to Englewood,” he says, acknowledging that the neighborhood’s reputation for crime and poverty could scare away some companies. “Historically, we have had a bad reputation, and the conversation has been a negative one,” he tells us. “But we are changing that conversation with the business accelerator.”

The two leaders set a course. They would build a small-business exchange. The goal is to help Englewood business owners who want to expand in Avondale, and vice versa.

Fulton envisions cross-learning experiences, so that businesses can share with each other on a wide range of subjects: financial literacy, loan opportunities, finding and exploiting resources. In other words, a business exchange of ideas, tips and eventually businesses.

Ptaszynska tells us that she has an Avondale medical training institute that’s quite interested in opening a location in Englewood.

“It’s just the beginning of the conversation,” she says, “but the general idea of this partnership is really good and helpful.”

When Albany Park met West Rogers Park

Summers’ summit brought together a second serendipitous pairing: Rodney Walker, executive director of the Albany Park Community Center, and Scott "Shalom" Klein, executive director of the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park. Albany Park had successfully lobbied for a new library; West Rogers Park seeks to persuade the city to replace a 1960s-era library at 6435 N. California Ave.

“We are following the playbook of communities like Albany Park,” Klein tells us. “They said, if you want to talk to someone who can make this happen, we can help.”

Albany Park officials connected Klein with Chinatown officials and others who have learned the ways of clout to get a library built.

“What it boils down to is we are engaged in conversations and in learning that without Sister Neighborhoods, we would have never known,” Klein tells us. “If we want a library, we should be talking to people who have advocated successfully for a library.”

So far, a West Rogers Park petition drive has gathered more than 1,300 signatures in two months. A newly organized committee is bringing together a diverse group of business and civic organizations to push for the library.

Chicago Public Library Commissioner Brian Bannon has noticed. “The ingredient of a strong community desire (for a new library) is always important when making a decision about neighborhood improvement. Not only do we love it, but we think it is important that a community is engaged and actively interested in seeking improved services.”

And what benefits flow back to Albany Park? Walker says he is confident those will come. “We are just beginning to learn what other organizations do — which services they provide in their communities and how we could leverage those resources moving forward,” Walker tells us. Also as a result of Sister Neighborhoods, these two are planning a networking event between the business owners of their communities.

Yes, this is just beginning. Connections beget connections. Solutions evolve and spread. Neighborhood leaders learn how to deal with their own communities’ struggles.

Sister Neighborhoods initiatives may expand beyond Summers and his 77 thought leaders. There’s another group, formed in 2013 after our first Plan of Chicago series, that is in talks with the Chicago Community Trust to launch a similar effort. We are watching them with high hopes.

Can your community, your group, offer or profit from your own blind date? Matchmaker Summers is easy to find. And he has plenty of potential mates for you and yours.

Read more at Chicago Tribune…



Our advocacy efforts for a new library in the Chicago Tribune!

When Albany Park met West Rogers Park

Summers’ summit brought together a second serendipitous pairing: Rodney Walker, executive director of the Albany Park Community Center, and Scott "Shalom" Klein, executive director of the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park. Albany Park had successfully lobbied for a new library; West Rogers Park seeks to persuade the city to replace a 1960s-era library at 6435 N. California Ave.

“We are following the playbook of communities like Albany Park,” Klein tells us. “They said, if you want to talk to someone who can make this happen, we can help.”

Albany Park officials connected Klein with Chinatown officials and others who have learned the ways of clout to get a library built.

“What it boils down to is we are engaged in conversations and in learning that without Sister Neighborhoods, we would have never known,” Klein tells us. “If we want a library, we should be talking to people who have advocated successfully for a library.”

So far, a West Rogers Park petition drive has gathered more than 1,300 signatures in two months. A newly organized committee is bringing together a diverse group of business and civic organizations to push for the library.

Chicago Public Library Commissioner Brian Bannon has noticed. “The ingredient of a strong community desire (for a new library) is always important when making a decision about neighborhood improvement. Not only do we love it, but we think it is important that a community is engaged and actively interested in seeking improved services.”

And what benefits flow back to Albany Park? Walker says he is confident those will come. “We are just beginning to learn what other organizations do — which services they provide in their communities and how we could leverage those resources moving forward,” Walker tells us. Also as a result of Sister Neighborhoods, these two are planning a networking event between the business owners of their communities.

Check out my comments in the Chicago Tribune: Abandoned lot in West Rogers Park may soon get renovations

An empty lot near West Devon Avenue and McCormick Boulevard has been untouched in nearly a decade. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, which owns the property, hopes to get funding approved to renovate it into a productive space for the public. (Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park)
An empty lot near West Devon Avenue and McCormick Boulevard has been untouched in nearly a decade. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, which owns the property, hopes to get funding approved to renovate it into a productive space for the public. (Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park)

The slab of concrete sits at the end of miles of otherwise well-kept parks along the North Shore Channel. Untouched for at least a decade, the empty parking lot is filled with graffiti and broken glass and has become a magnet for crime. Long-patient West Rogers Park residents hope that may change soon.

David St. Pierre, executive director of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, met with more than 100 members of the community last month to hear their ideas about turning the space at West Devon Avenue and McCormick Boulevard into a park or green space. The reclamation district owns the lot.

The Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park has led efforts to upgrade the area, and its yearlong push for meetings with officials may have finally paid off.

“That parking lot is really in many ways a gateway to many neighborhoods,” said Scott "Shalom" Klein, executive director of the community council. “Especially Rogers Park, Lincolnwood, Peterson Park, as well as cultures and people that live in that area.”

St. Pierre estimated it would cost $200,000 to $300,000 to tear down the parking lot, install turf and repurpose the area, but he said the district doesn’t have a final estimate for the project yet. St. Pierre said he plans to bring a proposal to the district’s board of commissioners at its next meeting April 9. If the board approves the plan, he said he hopes the project could begin “as soon as possible.”

At one end of the property sits an abandoned movie theater and car wash. Howard Rieger, president of the community council, said the two buildings aren’t owned by the reclamation district and therefore cannot be included in the renovation plans for the empty lot. The two buildings are under the jurisdiction of the 50th Ward.

Ald. Debra Silverstein, 50th, said last week that any changes to the current structures are in the “early stages.” She had no further comment.

Klein said members of the community council and neighborhood residents hope to remain involved in developing plans for the lot, something St. Pierre said he would also like to happen once the project is funded.

Although Klein mentioned one idea of turning the space into a public park, he and St. Pierre said future conversations would determine how the space could best serve the neighborhood.

Klein called the initiatives over the past year a “strong community effort.”

“We really want to represent the community that hasn’t had the opportunity to enjoy that property for close to 10 years,” he said.

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