The Real Self-Leadership Challenge – Thriving in today’s challenging times

The J2J Networking Group in conjunction with Jewish B2B Networking will hold their next program on Wednesday November 6th at 7:30 PM at Kehilat Chovevei Tzion, 9220 N. Crawford, Skokie. The guest speaker with be Phil Gafka, Certified Business Coach, executive coach and principal of LEAP Associates, Inc.

This informative program will provide valuable tools for both job-seekers and employed professionals. Join us for this excellent learning and networking opportunity, and please share this with friends and colleagues.

The Real Self-Leadership Challenge –
             Thriving in today’s challenging times                                                           Presented by Phil Gafka                               

It’s a new day and new rules are evolving in these challenging economic times. “Business as usual” doesn’t exist any longer.
Whether your industry is down-sized, right-sized or capsized, where do you fit in today’s new economy? First and foremost, you must know yourself and you must know what you want life and your business to deliver to you.
This presentation will explore the self-leadership challenge and guide you to create a compelling vision of leadership for your business, your career and your life.
No matter what point you are in your professional journey, you need to know and understand how to develop your leadership possibilities.
In his presentation, Phil will explore:
  •    Leadership definition/characteristics/ traits
  •   Leadership Development
  •   The Formula for Success
  •    Seven steps to creating and achieving meaningful goals
Leaders get results – learn how to turn your potential into performance!