Winning Through Teamwork – Shabbat Message from JCCWRP President, Howard M. Rieger

As the Cubs brilliantly demonstrated — in addition to mazal — winning takes teamwork.


Cubs President Theo Epstein said yesterday:  “If you have people trying to grab credit, people trying to deflect blame, it’s usually not going to work too well over the long haul.”


Teamwork is what leads to victory.  And we at JCCWRP want to be part of a winning team that has a single-minded focus of making West Rogers Park the best neighborhood it can be.


While there can be no final victory to our mission, we should feel gratified that our ability to coalesce a significant part of the community has backed up Alderman Debra Silverstein’s efforts to bring a beautiful park, with a bridge linking the recreation trails on the west and east side of the North Shore Channel, to Devon & McCormick in 2017, and a new Chicago Public Library to Pratt and Western.


Scott "Shalom" Klein and I met with the Alderman last week and reiterated our commitment to work with her on park improvements and library planning and to assist in any other way we can to be a force for ongoing neighborhood improvement.


Teamwork will ensure that the longest-standing Jewish community in Chicago will be here for decades to come.


Shabbat Scott "Shalom",


