Spertus Institute Survey and Focus Groups

Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in coordination with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, is conducting a survey of current and prospective participants in Chicago-area adult Jewish learning programs to gather feedback and to better serve the community. The survey deadline is January 11, 2016 and it can be accessed at:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NHP22RF

In addition to the information they are gathering through the survey responses, they will be holding 4 focus groups. The target audience is people who do not currently or only infrequently attend adult Jewish learning programs—in part because we believe that this segment of the population will be less likely to complete the survey and in part because we think a more open ended discussion with this group would be very informative.

Please recommend anyone who you think may be a good participant in one of these focus groups. Participants can register directly online for one focus group session as indicated below. The password for all registrations is focus2016. We will register no more than 15 participants in each session. Participants will receive $50 for participating and lunch or dinner (as well as $11 as parking reimbursement for the focus groups held at Spertus).

1 Wednesday, Jan 13, 11:30am-1:30pm
Spertus, 610 S Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL
(park at the Essex Inn and have the ticket validated at Spertus guard’s desk)
2 Wednesday, Jan 13, 5:30-7:30pm
Mayer Kaplan Jewish Community Center, 5050 W. Church St., Skokie, IL
3 Thursday, Jan 14, 11:30am-1:30pm
Spertus, 610 S Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL
(park at the Essex Inn and have the ticket validated at Spertus guard’s desk)
4 Thursday, Jan 14, 5:30-7:30pm
Board of Jewish Education, 3320 Dundee Rd., Northbrook, IL

Masters Degree

The Certificate in Jewish Leadership



The Certificate in Jewish Leadership—sponsored by Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies and Spertus Institute — is dedicated to transforming American Jewish life by enhancing the professional abilities of Jewish leaders. The curriculum is rooted in the belief that Judaism has its own distinct and insightful approaches to leadership. Through lectures, group work, and individual mentoring led by Northwestern and Spertus faculty, participants will learn best practices drawn from contemporary leadership principles and classical Jewish texts and thought.

Traditionally, programs for Jewish leadership have focused either on management skills or Jewish literacy. In this program, leadership training is taught within a distinctively Jewish context. Participants will learn to access and improve their own leadership, to articulate vision and inspire and motivate stakeholders, to improve collaboration, to achieve organizational goals, to hone their communication skills, and to plan and execute for the future.

Newly minted leader Michael Waitz said, “I have been able to take what I have learned in each class and use it to enhance the work I am doing professionally.” His co-participant Scott "Shalom" Klein said, “I benefited from a structure that taught us both the historical and practical elements of leadership. I would strongly recommend the program to lay and professional leaders in the Jewish community.”