A Conversation about Employment

FREE Employment Clinic
in Northbrook, July 14
Register at http://goo.gl/jVJYX6
The ARK and Jewish B2B Networking invite all job seekers from the Chicagoland Jewish community to a FREE session: 
A Conversation about Employment
This energetic, comprehensive conversation will address the issues YOU are going through, and the obstacles YOU might be facing.
  • Bring your questions, challenges, and personal experiences; or just come and listen!
  • Optional: e-mail your questions in advance (any questions presented at the session will be anonymous).
The clinic will be led by employment professionals, and will take place on:

Tuesday, July 14, 6-8 pm
The ARK Northwest
3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 802 (note new suite #)

There are no prerequisites regarding income or employment status, and affiliation with The ARK or JB2BN is not required.

The session is part of an ongoing series of free clinics that address the obstacles today’s job seekers face, and provide realistic, relevant information that can assist in conducting a more productive job search. Each session is self-contained; job seekers may attend any one or more of the sessions.

Register online at: http://goo.gl/jVJYX6

For more information, email or call Andrea Storz at 773.681.8964.