White House with Jewish B2B Networking

Enjoy this 2012 blog post on Jewish B2B Networking's visit to Washington DC and the White House: Intechnic’s CEO Invited to the White House & Congress

I recently traveled to Washington DC with a group of prominent Chicago business owners and executives to participate in a series of meetings with members of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as the White House Administration. The delegation was set up as a collaborative effort for Chicago’s business leaders to voice their thoughts and share ideas amongst each other, and with top decision makers in our nation’s capital.Intechnics CEO Andrew Kucheriavy White House

The day started with a coffee reception at the U.S. Capitol with U.S. Senator Richard Durbin and U.S. Senator Mark Kirk’s senior staff.  Among topics discussed with Senator Richard Durbin were Health Care Reform, China’s influence on the U.S. Economy, SOPA and PIPA legislation, and other important businesses-related issues in the U.S.  I must say that many in the room were pleasantly surprised by the Senator’s concrete positions on controversial issues that he openly shared and opened for debate.

US Capitol

Unfortunately, Senator Mark Kirk was not able to participate due to health reasons, so Deputy Legislative Director Andria Winters expressed the Senator’s position on many of the same issues, and took questions from the delegation on his behalf. The meeting at the U.S. Capitol was followed by meetings at the Cannon Office Building with the U.S. Rep. Robert Dold and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky.   U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) who is the Chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee lead a fantastic discussion on tax policy.

the white house

The White House welcomed the Chicago Delegation with a discussion session and panel consisting of government officials from the President’s Obama administration and other government agencies, including Ari Matusiak, Executive Director, White House Business Council; Jonathan Greenblatt, Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation; Greg Nelson, Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement;  Stephen Leeds, Senior Counselor to the Administrator, General Services Administration; Ann Kalayil, Regional Administrator for the Great Lakes Region, General Services Administration;  Jerry Flavin, Assistant Administrator for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Small Business Administration; and Jiyoung Park, Associate Administrator, Office of Small Business Utilization, General Services Administration.

Andrew Kucheriavy White House, West Wing

The discussions focused on innovation and social stewardship/responsibility in business, business growth/opportunities, followed by a fascinating conversation on Health Care Reform with Sol Ross, Director of Business Outreach, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services.

Despite the very packed agenda and a rainy DC weather, the delegation managed to cover most of the capital for meetings with many senior Congressional and Administration officials.  At the end of the day, everyone’s voice was heard and every opinion was expressed.  Special thanks to Scott "Shalom" Klein and JB2BN for organizing this amazing event.

Thank you to U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider for his remarks to Congress congratulating Jewish B2B Networking on our growth and community resources

Representative Brad Schneider Congressional Remarks on Jewish B2B Networking

Thursday, August 1, 2013

  • Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the efforts of Jewish B2B Networking (B2B) and its founder, Scott "Shalom" Klein, for his tireless work to connect people and promote the benefits of professional networking in the Jewish community.


  • Still early in his career, Mr. Klein has developed a reputation for bringing people together and forging relationships. B2B began in in 2010 and has achieved great success. Mr. Klein understood that in times of economic contraction, building relationships is just as important as having the rights skills.


  • By setting out to build powerful professional networks, Mr. Klein has offered help to thousands searching for jobs, employees or new resources.


  • At any one of the many B2B-sponsored networking events, you may find hundreds of professionals–young and experienced–looking to make meaningful contacts. I am pleased that many of these events take place throughout my district.


  • Even with B2B’s incredible success already, Mr. Klein has not slowed his initiative. He is constantly looking for new ways to expand and new tools and resources to share.


  • Mr. Klein has worked so hard to ensure that the success of B2B is enjoyed by the entire community.


  • After all, fostering these connections not only helps the jobseekers and businesses, but strengthens the whole community by bringing all of its members together. I congratulate Scott "Shalom" Klein and B2B on its success and look forward to following its future.



Jewish B2B Networking / Small Business Advocacy Council – Mission to Washington DC

White House

Jewish B2B Networking with the Small Business Advocacy Council at The White House!
Israel briefing
A very informative briefing with Noam Katz, the Minister of Public Diplomacy from the State of Israel, was scheduled as well. Everyone enjoyed his talk and the follow-up discussion.
U.S. House Small Business Committee
presenting our proposal on tax reform to the U.S. House Small Business Committee
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky addressing Jewish B2B Networking and Small Business Advocacy Council Washington visitors..
Small Business Committee
A rare joint discussion meeting between the Republican staff on the House Small Business Committee and the Democrat staff on the Senate Small Business Committee, listening to Jewish B2B Networking business owners.
Small Business Administration
We had two hours of briefings from Small Business Administration senior officials on access to capital, international trade, government contracting, support available to start-ups, and the Affordable Care Act. The Department of Defense came in to meet with our group too!
Despite the weather, a large group of small business leaders made it out to Washington DC to advocate on important initiatives and legislation.
Despite the weather, a large group of small business leaders made it out to Washington DC to advocate on important initiatives and legislation.
Washington DC

A group of Jewish B2B Networking and Small Business Advocacy Council enjoying dinner in Washington DC… networking and discussing policy initiatives.

Read Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's remarks to Congress: Jewish B2B Networking – A Valued Resource for Small Businesses and Our Community

Jan Schakowsky remarsk regarding Jewish B2B Networking

  • Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the Jewish B2B Networking (JBN) and its founder, Scott "Shalom" Klein , for their outstanding work in promoting and nurturing small businesses in the metro Chicago area. Next week, on June 14, JBN will hold its second “Business Event” at the Lincolnwood Town Center in my district, just one of the many ways that it is helping small businesses, workers and our economy.
  • I attended last year’s inaugural Business Event, along with representatives from over 2,700 small businesses, elected officials and job seekers. It was extraordinary–a vibrant, exciting and incredibly useful opportunity for small businesses to network, learn from each other, make contacts, set up meetings to help build their companies, and share their experiences and concerns with Members of Congress. It was so successful that plans began right there on the spot to hold another Event in 2012.
  • Small business men and women are essential to our economic well-being. In Illinois, they represent 98 percent of all employers. They also represent the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that has made our country so strong. It is imperative that we foster small business creation and expansion–and that is the mission of JBN.
  • It is never easy to start a small business, but it is especially challenging today as we work to recover from the impacts of the Great Recession. JBN was formed in 2010, through the vision of Scott "Shalom" Klein , to help provide the support and tools needed to help small businesses thrive.
  • Through its monthly networking events, JBN provides critical and practical information to help small business owners learn about available lending resources. Business to business networking through monthly forums provide the opportunity to share “best practices” and pick up tips that can help small businesses succeed. JBN is creating a vibrant network–not just among Chicagoland small businesses but between small businesses and policymakers at the local, State and national levels. This year, for example, they brought small business owners to Washington, D.C. so that they could share their experiences and recommendations with the Obama Administration and Members of Congress and also learn about opportunities and assistance.
  • JBN has touched over 6,000 active business networking partners and has over 17,000 subscribed networkers receiving weekly communications and utilizing its interactive website.
  • Through its Business Event and through online job listings, JBN has helped more than 200 job seekers obtain employment. Over 5,000 businesses and job seekers are expected at next week’s event in Lincolnwood, to exchange business information, ideas, and resources.
  • There are many wonderful small business men and women who have contributed to the success of JBN, but I want to specifically recognize the vision and work of ShalomKlein , its founder. As a small businessman, Scott "Shalom" felt the need to connect with others. As an organizer, he did something about it. He invited 20 people to an informal “networking” lunch at the Slice of Life kosher restaurant in Skokie–and 70 people came.
  • Out of Scott "Shalom"’s initiative, Jewish B2B Networking was born. Open to all, the non-profit organization has taken off–serving a role that had been missing in the community. What I so admire about Scott "Shalom" Klein –beyond his enthusiasm and skill–is his refusal to rest on his laurels, despite the many successes he has already achieved. As he has said, he will not be satisfied if JBN reaches a plateau–as high as it may be–he wants it to keep growing and growing, empowering more and more small business men and women. His spirit is infectious, his ability to inspire people to action is enormous, and I know he and JBN will continue to excel in their efforts.
  • JBN knows that local communities cannot prosper without small businesses, and they are committed to providing the climate that will help them succeed. I want to thank JBN for all that it has done already and wish it well as it, like the small businesses it assists, seeks to expand its activities in the future.