Lower LLC Filing Fees: Empower Illinois Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

LLC-vs-IncSmall Businesses are the Backbone of our Economy…

Illinois’ small businesses are the key to our state’s well-being. According to the Small Business Administration, there are 1.1 million small businesses in the state and about half of Illinois employees
work at small to mid-sized businesses.

Illinois businesses that operate as LLCs pay among the highest fees in the nation
Illinois presently has among the highest limited liability company (LLC) fees in the nation. When it comes
to initially filing as an LLC, our state’s fee is unreasonably excessive and the highest in the country. While
the average cost of filing an LLC in other states is less than $200, in Illinois, the fee for filing as an LLC is
$500. The costs associated with forming an Illinois LLC are also much higher than those charged to
corporations. It costs only $150 to form an Illinois corporation as opposed to $500 for an LLC. Forming as an LLC is the right choice for many small businesses. Unfortunately, far too many business owners do not form LLCs because excessive fees prompt them to form as corporations or to simply file in other states. Illinois’ excessive LLC fees also perpetuate the perception that our state is an unfriendly place to own or launch a small business.

Let’s push lower LLC filing fees over the finish line

For the past year, our coalition of business and trade organizations have worked hard to substantially reduce the fees associated with filing and operating an LLC in Illinois. In this year’s State of the State address, Governor Quinn proposed reducing the fee for filing as an LLC from $500 to $39 and for series LLCs from $750 to $59. Two bills have been filed consistent with the Governor’s recommendation:
HB 4361 and SB 2776. These bills have received bi-partisan support.
Significantly lowering LLC filing fees will encourage new businesses to form in Illinois, improve the perception of Illinois’ small business climate, and continue to build momentum on this issue. We ask our state lawmakers to co-sponsor HB 4361 and SB 2776 and help entrepreneurs and small businesses best
served by operating as LLCs.

Together, we can get this legislation passed and signed into law this year! For more information or to join
our Coalition, contact Blanca Campos at Blanca@sbacil.org.

Daniel Biss

Pitch your business idea to our all-star entrepreneurship team on Thursday (we have an opening)!

Have you launched your new business, or are you ready to?

Arevim Entrepeneurship Center

About Arevim Entrepeneurship Center 

By helping small businesses launch, expand and improve their profitability, we’re also helping them create jobs in the Chicago area.  This helps everyone. That is why we offer support and educational training programs for all entrepreneurs, even home-based businesses*.

We provide one-on-one business advice at no charge for existing and start-up small businesses. We offer entrepreneurial training, business assistance, and mentoring.

Meet with CEO’s and executives of large companies in the Chicagoland area who will offer guidance, advice and information for your idea. Hey, we even have investment ideas!

Submit your idea at: http://www.jewishb2bnetworking.com/arevim-entrepeneurship-program

Bill Moller Steve Dale WGN
Skokie Job Clinic

Israeli Startup Revolutionizes The Way Websites are Built and Updated

page2siteHave you noticed how people never have enough time to build or update their website, but post on Facebook every day? Let’s admit it – Facebook is much more fun than tackling website design and coding. It’s easy to use and allows you to get immediate feedback about your business from real people.

Page2site, an Israeli startup, has set out to bring the simplicity and fun of Facebook to website building and updating.

The new website building tool allows anyone to create free websites based on their Facebook fan pages in one click. You don’t need to know anything about design or programming. Just go to the site, login with Facebook and select the page or profile you want to turn into a website. You will be immediately taken to your new website – ready to launch with all your photos, videos and posts already there.

Once the website is created, Page2site continues to deliver great value by automatically updating the site with everything you post on Facebook, ensuring your website is always up-to-date with fresh content. Gone are the days when you had to upload your news to the website, check that it shows correctly, play with the image sizes and then take a trip to Israel to rest and recover from the frustration. Never again will your latest blog post be two years old!

According to Omri Allouche, Founder and CEO of Page2site, it all started as he went to get a haircut. “I got to talking with my hairdresser about a website for his business,” he remembers, “he was considering paying a fairly large sum of money for a website building company who promised to do everything for him and wanted my advice. In theory, there are many free or inexpensive platforms catering to small business owners like him, but in reality he didn’t have the skills or aptitude to learn how to use them. My “that’s it!” moment was when my hairdresser complained websites were not as easy to set up and update as his Facebook fan page. It got me thinking – why not take the content people create so easily on Facebook and deliver it as a website?”

Research shows that 70% of the 20 million SMB companies in the US are using Facebook for marketing purposes, while only 46% of them have their own website. Page2site is trying to bridge that gap by offering small businesses, non-profit organizations, professionals and bloggers a quick and simple way to build their website.

How To Run A Successful Small Business In Illinois - 2013

How To Run A Successful Small Business In Illinois – 2013

Join us on October 3, 2013 at 5:30pm for a FREE evening of information and networking. You will hear short presentations from well known experts in the following areas important to any small business owner:

How To Run A Successful Small Business In Illinois - 2013

– Taxes for Small Business

– Small Business Insurance Concerns

– Legal Issues Facing Entrepreneurs

– Cash Flow and Receivables

– Sales and Networking Skills

– Government Resources for Business


A lively open networking opportunity will be available after the presentations. You will have a chance to meet other small business owners and to speak with the presenters one/one about any questions that you might have. 


FREE Registration:



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Weiss Properties

The fabric of our lives key to networking

This is a guest post by Meg Schmitz.

How important is networking in today’s economic climate? Extremely.
What is your purpose?
• Get back to work
• Further your career
• Create new opportunities
• Learn something

Professionals in the Chicago-area should leverage their every contact, every connection to further their careers, whether employed or not. In this economy, I find that everyone wants to help; additionally professionals are aware there may be a target on their own backs. To not network is to miss out on the pulse, to miss the flow of opportunity and change.

If done properly, networking can be a great way for the unemployed to get back to work, and for corporate middle managers to climb the ranks within their organizations or at a new one.

Remember “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?” People you are connected to want to help, and you can put yourself in position to get their help through networking. The subtext of our lives is what draws people in. Hobbies, diversions, kids can be great ways to get to know someone … and he or she may very well know someone hiring!

I see this happen each week within my three networking groups: we know each other well enough that the job is set aside, and stories of our weekends are told. The fabric of our lives starts to emerge. This one broke his ankle in a basketball league for men, that one helps doggies at a ranch in Utah, another delivers meals to needy families and the ill.

Suddenly people lean in and ask “how can I help?” Next thing we know, a new relationship has created a job interview with someone else who helps in the same way. Hello Kevin Bacon!

Networking for your personal business is the best way to stay up-to-date on industry trends.

What is happening locally, nationally or globally? Who is hiring again, and do you have a better offering than that young kid who didn’t “make it work?” Some companies are waking up to reality: that experienced worker with a deep knowledge base really is a better employee than the cheap kid coming out of college (I have a child that is a young professional … don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble but I see this happening with my outplacement offices).
Nothing is going to alter the fact that the workplace is forever changed. A single resume can’t possibly tell the story of your entire life. Recent trends in resume writing such as identifying “hard skills” versus “soft” ones, are already passe. So, if you can’t put those on your resume, you need to find a better way to break through.

You must know people with whom you can be real, and realistic. I don’t mean the chatty coffee group that complains about how tough it is out there. Make it meaningful, purposeful, and go out there with the intent to lend a hand.
Plan to meet with anyone to whom you can explain the texture of your experience, the nuances that made you great. Plan to listen in return. Your trusted network of personal and professional contacts is who will know (or care) that you really can do the job, and help you get connected to the right people.
Fill your quiver with stories that hit home, that make the listener raise an eyebrow and say “I didn’t know you could do that…?!” It’s called differentiation based on experience. You can’t convey that in a cover letter, or resume. You have to get with the person who makes the decision. You need to get on the inside, with someone who can repeat your story and make you real. Necessary. Vital.
Think outside the box! Be open minded. Try something new. Forge a new path. Network.

Meg Schmitz is an independent consultant of FranChoice based in Morton Grove. Her free services aid individuals along their path to professional independence, while developing a plan to achieve personal lifestyle goals through franchise investments. MegSchmitz@FranChoice.com.