The Skokie Review recently profiled my community involvement: Small business guru Scott "Shalom" Klein takes on robust schedule

Scott There may be no busier person in Skokie than Scott "Shalom" Klein who lives there, works there and volunteers much of his time there.

And there may be no busier month for Klein than June.

Klein helps run Moshe Klein & Associates Ltd., his father’s bookkeeping and accounting firm that helps small businesses. It has two offices on Dempster Street in Skokie – on the east side and the newer office on the west side near the Skokie Swift train station.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding Klein’s activities, especially in helping small businesses grow and connect with job-seekers.

Next week, he will stage the third annual free The Business Event at Evanston High School. It will host important small businesses and key speakers and will draw thousands of people. Later this month, he will chair Skokie’s first Economic Development Commission meeting. He is founder, steering committee member and former chair of The Dempster Street Merchants Association. Newly married, he is also pursuing an advanced degree in Jewish professional studies in business and administration.

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